final project video

Final project

for my final project i decided to make a clock which has neopixels to display the time


for this i actually started with an idea because the idea and example shown to me was all either 7 segment display of not it is an lcd displayed clock i wanted my clock to be different so i thought of it being something like an actual clock, so i went to instructibles to go and take a look at ideas that could be similar to mine and i found one which is this so i though maybe i can make something similar so i started with the laser cut parts.

so the above is the parts needed for the clock and it is just the base to put the neopixels on. next would be the neopixels for that i would need to solder them because the lecturer gave me 6 pieces on a stick and because i needed one 12 neopixel on a single file hence i soldered them with the help of some flux to oxidise the points to solder on.


next would be to code, for the code i used arduino uno to code and later on transfer the code to a nano for the clock to work i would also need a rtc module, which the lecturer gave me. He gave me a ds3231 rtc module, for the code because i hardly code with arduino so i made a lot of mistake while coding and even when the code is working the code does not look nice. So for the clock to work i need to pull in time using the rtc module and after that i used the neopixels to display the relevant timing.

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above is some picture of my code, if you want to look at my full code i will put it here next would be 3d printing the mount for the nano for this i actually took the design from online and used it as this is readily available online on thinkercad.

i will link the above work here after all this is done you just need to connect the wires and put the neopixel on the base and it is all done i will post a picture of the final product and wiring below.

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