3d printing

For 3d printing excerise we actually made a chesspiece for us to try printing, we actually used a template and trace it for us to get the model and after that we convert it to stl or obj file format for us to print.below is a picture you can see for my model

start start start start start start

and as you can see from above after printing there seems to be an error with my printing which my lecturer after seeing says that it maybe because of me not having to join the 2 components properly when i was designing the knight piece. below is also a picture of my 3d printing quiz which i passed.


laser cutting

For laser cuttign we also had to take a test for this part if we wanted to use the laser cutter at fablab, for laservutting assignment we laser cutted a boxes with tabs to fit our music crank inside so for it to play music we had to take measurements of the music crank so that we could drill a hole at the side after laser cutting the boxes

as you can see from the bottom picture, i have passed my laser cutting quiz on blackboard


embedded desgin

In this topic we were exposed to the introduction of electronic and with that our lecturer ask us to go home and try to make a circuit using thinkercad which we did and it was using a 555 timer to blink a led.

Next we also had to make a circuit where each time you push a the push button it will actually change the lighting of the 2 leds, but because the push button bounces when you press it actually creates an inaccurate reading and the way to solve it is to use software to read the input.