weekly documentation

if you want any of the fusion 360 files that i have done you could download them and find them in the project webpage

first week

this week, in class the lecturer told us to make go home and decide which programme i wanted too use for the project and write down the reason why i choose it.
below is a table that i got from w3school and place it in my html these are the progammes and reason why i used them.



photo resizer photo resizer:this was the only option given to me in the slides so i decided to use this
fusion 360 i choose this because we had no other choice of cad programme to use, the lecturer also recommended this and i have this programme in my laptop beforehand already and have some experience using it.
chrome since i already have it pre installed in my laptop and i frequently use it making it more familiar and easier for me to work with chrome.
sublime text because the lecturer said that he would be using sublime text in class, so i thought since he was going to use it, it would be easier to follow since we are using the same text editor
librecad because it seems like cad which i as an engineering student had experience using it before so it would be easier
gimp because it is the only application that was shown to me during lessons and the lecturer strongly recommend using this programme
picpick because in the slides it shows that this is for windows and the lecturer did mention that this is very easy and versatile to use hence i should have any problems using it

second week

this week, the lecturer taught the class some basic html and told us to go home and try it out and also write 2 paragraph in our website.so this is just the start of me wrtitng up the 2 paragraph.
during lesson the basic of html was enough to just write up content but the lecturer said that we should not use html to do our design for the website instead we should use css so we have not started doing anything fancy for our webpage instead we just wrote our content.But instead of using css we had some basic formatting tools that we could use for our content such as header which we did use before we learned about css.
we were also though on how to use the hyperlinks which was very useful in terms of us being able to link our main page to our about and back and forth between this 2 pages.

third week

we are going to learn how to put our website online on github with the help of our lecturer and also have to complete our website before assesment, with the help of css we also did some basic design on our webpage even though my webpage is not very nice.
our lecturer also told us to go back and watch some video on gimp and inkscape on how to use it.
he also told us about git to help us do our work offline so that we can punlish it online but instead we used another programme which is github desktop. with this programme we are able to code and publish it without needing to always go to github and upload the files personally.
this progamme actually helped me because if i suddenly cannot connect to the school wifi or i am outside school writing up content i could always write my content and publish it without worrying about needing to always have a stable connection

forth week

this week, we used fusion 360 to practice and get a feel of using the program this pictures below are some examples of what i had did during lecturers,on friday the lecturer gave us some tips and more insight on fusion 360 about the software and tools that are available in the programme for us to design what we want.
we also did some practices on fusion 360 we design a keychain, with the username of my github.
which we will be printing in week 5 and we also did a design on a lego brick with the help of a youtube video(credits to kevin kennedy's video).This was fun for me as i had experience on using fusion 360 before and this helped me refresh my memory on using this programme.
the practices were also very simple which i could easily do and thus helped me get a better feel of the programme as it has been a 2 years since last use it.

Fifth week

this week we are still doing fusion 360 but we learned new functions to make our design process easier, some of the funtions we learn are revolve,etc.
our lecturer also went through excercise 3 of last week work on practicing to draw on fusion 360.
before this friday i also have done my work of completing the new fusion 360 excercises provided in the notes, i also have done the chess piece which we will be printing when we go back to school, when school reopens. i have also done a nut in the excercise with the help of a youtube by kevin's kennedy.
on friday we were thought more on fusion 360 and also we were expose on how to use librecad this was what was covered through the lesson, what was exciting was the assignment that the lecturer had given us,it was to draw a laptop stand on fusion 360
i went on ahead to draw but face some difficulties with the programme, than i went on to take a look at the video that was given in the slides and found out that nothing was wrong, so i decided to redo the entire file.
after i did that everything was working fine and i manage to complete my assignment.

Sixth week

this week we were taught on how to make a box and the lecturer also went through on how to do the boxes and also some information on the tabs and how to make it user friendly, if people want to change the sizes of it they would be able to simply just go to the dimensions and change it without much trouble.
i also ask the lecturer on how my desktop stand which i had already done and i had to redo it after clarifying with him because i had done used body instead of components, lecturer also told me to do the desktop stand first before i even proceed to do the box that he mentioned.
he also went throgh in class what we had to do to the box and the submission date is after teh holidays. on friday our lecturer also went thruogh some basic electronic on things like components and circuits
he also introduce to the class a programme online called tinkercad which is very useful in terms of simulating circuits
thinkercad was so much better to use and more useful, better than fritzing but there are things in fritzing which is more flexible than thinkercad. we also had an assignment to try on making the elctronic on thinkercad based on a circuit.

Seventh week

This week our lecturer taught us further on electonics, embedded system, he introduced us to arduino and the different types of arduino board available to us.
i had experience playing around with an arduino board before by making an led blink ut other tha that i do not have any more experience with it.
he also said that the arduino is almost similar to c++ but not the same. i have studyied amodule on c++ last semester so i might be able to cope with the lesson.
he also gave us an assignment of completing a analog digital timer. other than that i had finish making changes to my laptop stand.